ponedeljek, 10. december 2012

Will the Government Confiscate Your Gold?

The History allready remmember the situation in witch Goverment confiscated gold of its cityzens! Just look up a little bit in it, or do the Google reserch.
What possibility exist now to see the same scenario? A scenario of modern times.

Try to read and do the reaserch - think about it! Maybe, just maybe we will need to know haw to react in that circumstances.

All the best to you and I wish to you to be wise,


četrtek, 15. november 2012

The Secret Return to the Gold Standard!

Look at this - listen and try to understand!
Is it realy possibile that we are going into new GOLD STANDARD just in those days? It is realy interesting hearing that large number of states is buying tons of Gold lately. What for?

To be informed regularly with information from this sites pleas register yourselfs at the end of this site. Put inthere your e-mail and you will receving info on the regular bases. Stay tooned1



petek, 9. november 2012

Could Gold realy go to $20,000

"If you know how the world financial system works, you know the game thet you're playing and if you don't  know the game and the rules that we're playing by you are going to get slaughtered!"
These words sad Mr. Mike Maloney on one of his lectures to the public. Take a time and listen to this! It could help you to make wise decision in thise days. I am pritty shore about that.

Sooner or later the price of Gold must go to its real one.

All the best,


Obama Wins; What's that mean for Gold?

After election, you may be asking yourself about futures of this economy. What's that mean for the Gold? Will be there any change for the futures of Gold? Perhaps it will slow down potential of growing Gold price or it will be even faster?
What do you thing about it?

Here is one very interestin material for you. I hope that can help you to do right action now for your better tomorow

In the meanwhile, be in touch with price of Gold daily.

All the best,.


ponedeljek, 5. november 2012

Special: Gold Becomes a Risk-Free Asset Jan. 1: Buy Yours TODAY

This isn't speculation, this is insider information. Gold is projected to rise between $10,000 and $14,000 per ounce in one of the biggest economic changes – and one of the greatest opportunities for profit – of our the century.

Special: Gold Becomes a Risk-Free Asset Jan. 1: Buy Yours TODAY

This isn't speculation, this is insider information. Gold is projected to rise between $10,000 and $14,000 per ounce in one of the biggest economic changes – and one of the greatest opportunities for profit – of our the century.

Germany to the Fed: We Demand to See Our Gold!

"The Fed won't even let German officials see their $93 BILLION in gold reserves held at the Federal Reserve Bank."  wrote Wealth Wire in its info letter.

So, what is then to hide? Could it be, that USA need to have that gold after 1. januar for gold standard? Have they this Gold at all?

Read this article and try to understand!

Follow the blog (Goldencurrency) and find many interesting aricles that could be very usefull to you in the future. Think about Gold as realy good way to hadging your property!

torek, 9. oktober 2012

The Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill!

Here's my take on all the Gold symbolism:
- The US has long prepared to return to a Gold Standard and the time has come.
- The Gold Ink Well symbolizes the power of Congress to pass laws that can dismantle the Fiat Money System with the stoke of a pen.
- The Gold Liberty Bell within the ink well symbolizes Congresses ability to write laws that destroy the banking cabal's strangle hold on the Liberty of citizens in the United States.
- Notice the words "THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE" has also been moved from the left to the right side (or the gold standard side!)
- Notice how the color of the "100" on the bottom front changes from GREEN to GOLD...still not convinced?
- And now my favorite... look at the wording right above the "100" on the far right.

četrtek, 4. oktober 2012

torek, 25. september 2012

Walk Away From the Market Before It's Too Late

Because, the Media is too much powerfull, the people simply belive in the informations Media anounce no metter wether they are correct or not. That's why major part of the people are ones that loose on long term. That's all normal in the market field, nothing unseen befor. But, do you realy understad what that's mean? Do you? Could bee all OK with you money you have invested on the market? Look for the proof's! Find out the truth!
There are people who know much more. They speak about it. Read what Martin Hutchinson has to say about this.

petek, 21. september 2012

Jim Cramer: Gold is the Only Currency

Lately we can find pritty much to read about QE3, and all who know something about this subject know wery good why this article is interesting to read. So here you can also find somethin interistin about GOLD as the Only Currency.

sreda, 22. avgust 2012

Is China Preparing a Gold Standard?

The renminbi is the official currency of China used as legal tender in China's mainland. But what will happen to the renminbi if China does begin backing the currency with gold? Will it branch out into other foreign economies as a reserve currency for them as well? Perhaps...

četrtek, 26. julij 2012

"The Ultimate Pyramid Scheme"

This could be worthy every minute of your time and could open your eyes and help you to understand much more about the time you live in. Consenquently you can act and direct your moves wisely.

Watching this presentation, "Your Future: The Ultimate Pyramid Scheme" can be one of the best job you did lately. So be focused on information you see and hear here.

I wish you wise decision about it.

petek, 30. marec 2012


Dear friends,

this BLOG is, in fact, only a coppy of the original version,  made originaly in slovenian  and italian  language.
I see no reson to change it, because we all are in the same crisis - same story. More you can find at the page 'Gold - actuall situation'.
Thanks for understanding!

The fact that are people a litle bit sceptical about idea to have Gold as 'currency' (read: Money) is not anything new in psichology of behavior of crowds. Human psychology of 'herd instinct' is and will function always on the same way. We can be shore, that crowds behaved on the same way even at the time when someone tried to use 'paper money' for the first time in history and they firmly pressed its gold, they used for paying anything they need trougout the history. 
The story is new - different, patern is still the same!
More you can read at the page 'Gold - Money'.