GOLD – Great cisis of monetary system
There are so many of them who wants make you think, that the main global currency US$ is stabil one and that main world economic power has a control over the actuall situation we are in. They would like to reinforce your belive that in this particular situation is not any new elements we didn't see in the past. Any recession has its own legitimacy, but at the end we come out in a period of renewed growth, in the period of the new economic growth and progress. Here we have the same situation again, they say.
But, is it really so?
On this page I wil try to uncover (us much us I can) hidden, but not unreachable information wich will give you 'the other side of the medals' and, to anyone who will stop on this page, help to see a litle bit more objective picture of whole story. It all will in tuch with yours and mine elementary need to protect our property we gain with hard work - all we saved (or we still saving) trough the years, for the best security of us and ours dearest ones.
I don't want to give eny moral lecture on this pages, about sense of accumulation of material wealth, even thoug I would like to.I will speak very gladly about it, but on some other occasion and the other place.
On this pages I would like to speak strictly about how to focus our mind on this - how realy big is danger that number on ours accounts (saving accounts, bank accounts, ... any accounts nominated in any currency) melt down, evaporate - simply disappear!!
Is there eny solid bases for enything like this? Let's see together!
Maybe for start, you can look how many people planing "The Ultimate Portfolio to Protect Yourself from the "End of America" Scenario" Why do they do this? Where are fear come from?
After you see how FED continue with 0% interest rates adding "$1.5 trillion" per year and "and then decides to become the biggest holder of Treasurys", after you see that realy "Unemployment is 17%, but the government reports it as 9%", and after you see more other details, you may be in better position to understand how is looking like the future of the US$ as currency of worlds reserve and also the future of others currencys atached on to the dollar!
And your savings ar in one of those currencys, isn't it?
"New proof the US dollar is no more 'King' " among the currencys and much more about the subject, you can find surfing on the internet. Why is that so? Take a time to read it - it is very important for you!
Millions of Americans are preparing for Doomsday?
How and why the fears of many Americans are rising? Fear of "economic collapse".
Is Gold MONEY?
Extremly interesting conversation between Mike Maloney and Jim Rogers about is Gold realy Money or not?
The American dream! = How we got into this distress?
Look carefully this film and try to understand! It is very important for you to know take a right position for next monts or years.
Rusty russian coins
But, is it really so?
On this page I wil try to uncover (us much us I can) hidden, but not unreachable information wich will give you 'the other side of the medals' and, to anyone who will stop on this page, help to see a litle bit more objective picture of whole story. It all will in tuch with yours and mine elementary need to protect our property we gain with hard work - all we saved (or we still saving) trough the years, for the best security of us and ours dearest ones.
I don't want to give eny moral lecture on this pages, about sense of accumulation of material wealth, even thoug I would like to.I will speak very gladly about it, but on some other occasion and the other place.
On this pages I would like to speak strictly about how to focus our mind on this - how realy big is danger that number on ours accounts (saving accounts, bank accounts, ... any accounts nominated in any currency) melt down, evaporate - simply disappear!!
Is there eny solid bases for enything like this? Let's see together!
Maybe for start, you can look how many people planing "The Ultimate Portfolio to Protect Yourself from the "End of America" Scenario" Why do they do this? Where are fear come from?
After you see how FED continue with 0% interest rates adding "$1.5 trillion" per year and "and then decides to become the biggest holder of Treasurys", after you see that realy "Unemployment is 17%, but the government reports it as 9%", and after you see more other details, you may be in better position to understand how is looking like the future of the US$ as currency of worlds reserve and also the future of others currencys atached on to the dollar!
And your savings ar in one of those currencys, isn't it?
"New proof the US dollar is no more 'King' " among the currencys and much more about the subject, you can find surfing on the internet. Why is that so? Take a time to read it - it is very important for you!
Millions of Americans are preparing for Doomsday?
How and why the fears of many Americans are rising? Fear of "economic collapse".
Is Gold MONEY?
Extremly interesting conversation between Mike Maloney and Jim Rogers about is Gold realy Money or not?
The American dream! = How we got into this distress?
Look carefully this film and try to understand! It is very important for you to know take a right position for next monts or years.
Rusty russian coins
8th International Banking Forum in Sochi,Russia. The theme was "Banks Of Russia - 21st Century". Speach of Mike Maloney!! A lecture for bankers about what will happend soon.
13 Reasons Why Gold Still Has Further to Go
Money & Markets
JANUARY 26, 2011
JANUARY 26, 2011
Gold to the Moon
Real Estate Roulette - Moscow, Russia
Rich Dad 2008 Predictions - Part 4 (Robert Kiyosaki –»Cash is trash«)
Online Exclusive Update #82 - Money, Money,Everywhere
(For reading need to be registrate – free of charge)
Las Vegas Boom & Bust - A Preview forSingapore & China?
Ron Paul on the U.S. Government's Debt Crisis
Must See: Catherine Austin Fitts The Looting OfAmerica JANUARY 11, 2011
The US dollar has Cancer - Mike Maloney
Is There Really Gold in Fort Knox? (The price of gold would go to at least $100,000 an ounce, and possibly as high as $200,000)
Las Vegas Boom & Bust - A Preview forSingapore & China?
Ron Paul on the U.S. Government's Debt Crisis
Must See: Catherine Austin Fitts The Looting OfAmerica JANUARY 11, 2011
The US dollar has Cancer - Mike Maloney
Is There Really Gold in Fort Knox? (The price of gold would go to at least $100,000 an ounce, and possibly as high as $200,000)
What About Currency Devaluations?
Kucinich: Obama Admin Transferring Wealth tothe Few
Gerald Celente: Go for the gold!
Max Keiser: Jamie Dimon's Worst Nightmare?
David Morgan Analyzes a Dollar Collapse,
Debt and a Broken System
Mike Maloney on Keiser Report - Episode 145 -
Hunt Bros
Keiser Report: Economic Euthanasia (E145)
$10 Oil? Mike Maloney Schools Bankers onDeflation, Gold and Silver (Part 1 of 2)
Keiser Report: Bankers & Aliens (E175)
Hugo Chavez demands Venezuelan gold - Is Hugo
Chavez todays Charles De Gaulle?
Ron Paul's Greatest Interview
Iran, Russia Replace Dollar with NationalCurrencies in Trade Exchanges
The Madness of Crowds: How to PlayBonds, China, and Gold in 2012
World Economic Crisis & Monetary Gold.mpg
Ron Paul vs Bernanke: Is Gold Money? - July 13, 2011
Fed to Devalue the Dollar by 33%
The Economic Collapse
Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic
Collapse And The Next Great Depression?
James Rickards: Paper, Gold or Chaos?
Crash Course: Chapter 1 - Three Beliefs by Chris Martenson
AMERICAN DREAM (cartoon about how was created the monetary
Ben Bernanke's Son to Graduate With $400,000 of StudentLoan Debt
Gerald Celente - 2012 Predictions
Money, Banking, and The Federal Reserve System
Is Germany Actually Preparing to Leave the Euro?
Get Ready for the Next Golden Age
Presentation of KARATBARS (Jimmy
Karatbars University (American page)
40 Weird Facts About The United States That Are Almost TooCrazy To Believe (#37 debt per capita, and …also very interestig til #40)
10 Reasons Why The Reign Of The DollarAs The World Reserve Currency Is About To Come To An End
Silver Manipulation Acknowledged - Christian GarciaGoldSilver.Com
(Demand of India, South Carolina official money, gold and
silver …)
Faber: Sell Your Stocks, Gradually Build Up Gold
Keiser Report: Return Of The Silver Liberation Army
Richard Duncan: QE3 Possible Later This Year: Analyst
Gold and Silver Manipulation—"High FrequencyShearing"
GoldSilver Radio - Joseph T Selerno - The Economic War OnCash
Care about good infomation for yourself as quick as possible
Gold and Silver are not in a bubble
Jim Rogers: 2013 "Going to be a Mess"
James Turk's presentation on the gold price and the USdollar
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL DEBT CLOCK doing its job without pitty increasing numbers that are already so big we can't understand about how big sums it'w all about. Without question, they will try to put it into a controlable limits. But, how will they do that?
We will see it in the next month's or few years.
US Debt clock.
World debt clock in % GDP.
The GLOBAL debt clock.
We will see it in the next month's or few years.
US Debt clock.
World debt clock in % GDP.
The GLOBAL debt clock.
About manipulation of gold price is published very much already. Perhapse you can start your reserche vith listening a conversation between James Turk and Mike Maloney, and starting there you can find much more material on youtube or googling on the matter.
But the information, that about “there is huge naked short position in gold” and estimates that perhaps “75% to 80% of the gold that the world thinks it owns does not exist" like said Mr. Chris Powell - and that information is simply unbeliveble!!
What and is expecting those that are thinking they have gold (because they bought some papers) and what those who in reality have phisical gold, we will see very soon and probably we do not need to wait for long period of time. I realy hope, that you are one of those who own phisical gold!
How come that tottal figure of $21 trillion »nearly as much as the Japanese
and American GDPs combined« is owned
by just 0,001% of world population?
You can read it in article 'Elites'Have $21 TRILLION in Hidden Wealth
Why 'they' put so much of attention to the
fact that having gold reserv in central banks is tradition? Tradition, yes –
but why so important to keep it?!
Can someone answer it?
Do you actually have your bullion or just
a promisse to have it in the future?
What about Gold in 2014?
The 5 Hidden Drivers That Will Slingshot Gold to $2,500
How long realy, can last dieing of that monetary sistem? How long realy, can they 'producing' currency out of nothing - currency that at first site have all the way equal value? Red that article and think about that!
Alternative currency that powerfull ones fear?
Can an other currency, more secure, be created? Can it put value of Gold back at real place? That can you read here, and other interesting articles also.
What about Gold in 2014?
The 5 Hidden Drivers That Will Slingshot Gold to $2,500
How long realy, can last dieing of that monetary sistem? How long realy, can they 'producing' currency out of nothing - currency that at first site have all the way equal value? Red that article and think about that!
Alternative currency that powerfull ones fear?
Can an other currency, more secure, be created? Can it put value of Gold back at real place? That can you read here, and other interesting articles also.
“The problem here is that the assets of these countries are held by a small number of wealthy individuals while the debts are shouldered by the ordinary people of these countries through their governments.”
OdgovoriIzbrišiHow come that tottal figure of $21 trillion »nearly as much as the Japanese and American GDPs combined« is owned by just 0,001% of world population?
You can read it in article
What do you think about it?