Gold - Money


     The fact, that people are a litle bit sceptical about idea, to have Gold as 'currency' (read: Money) is not anything new in psichology of behavior of crowds. Human psychology of 'herd instinct' is and will function always on the same way. We can be shore, that crowds behaved on the same way even at the time when someone tried to use 'paper money' for the first time in history and they firmly pressed its gold, they used for paying anything they need trougout the history. 
The story is new - different, patern is still the same!

Why is that so?
There is no eny need to spend too much time observing the world, to see how much dishonesty and fraud is in it. As a metter a fact, as time passing there is only more and more of dishonesty and fraud.
The most widespread and by far the most translated book which mankind has - Bible, in a form of prophecy tell us a prediction, that at some point of time, cheat will even more escalating! (2. Timothy 3:13)
It is clear that individuals desiring to protect themselves, and the easyest way to do it in to flee into shelter called  distrust toward other people. The reason is simple - fear!
We don't want to leave results of our hard work to anyone without fairly price.
That's why is, (trougout the history) as a medium of exchange, always been used something that had enough corresponding caracteristics for this role. After all it must to have substantial value and to be durable. There is no wonder how come, that, prety early in the history, Gold has become only true money. And that was lasting and lasting until ...
... until were born first papers, that were, with words written on them, used like garantee that its owner has in property as much gold as it was written on the paper. That's how was born 'new money'.
What atittude had a crowd toward those papers? Are people acsepted it without problems? Have they give theirs money at once in exchenge for this papers? Without any doubt, we can sey, no! For sure, the new way of exchange, was accepted with extreme coution.
Is there any differet situation today? No! There is not. Generations of people get used to operate with paper money, even thou it was only a I.O.U. paper, because they use it for long time period. Bank had obligation and duty to exchange it for gold on demand of bearer. That obligation was written on the paper whole the time. They called it 'Gold standard', because this banknotes was based on gold. Paper without any value become worthy, because of gold behind it! Until the gold standard went to its end with one singe sign of president of USA in august of 1971! No one was speak about it. Most people did not know anything about this event. It was kept as secret whole the time. Most people still don't know enything about it, but paper currency is in use whole the time as in era of gold standard or like it has its own substantial value. But, increasingly it becoming clear why we have inflation, what is meaning of interest rate an why we have crisis, recessions and depressions every few years. Increasingly we can see that we have no as much gold on the earth as we have paper money whitch is still printing (read: writting) more and more, and that it has no value as they want to prepare us to belive. Not at all, after QE1, QE2, ... issue of money starting on 2008 on!

It's time for a new chang-back on the only real money - Gold money!
All this seems very logical and natural - but no, not for most people!
There is same lack of conffidence an same fear. Again the same reluctance in front of something 'new', even that it is not new thing, but old, very, very old gold, although it may have been added to the newer format technology. Completely natural and logical action al of a sudden becomes a grave danger doing and something with what we must be extremley cautious. If need to change Eur for US$, YPY or something like that - no problem. All that is currency, only with a different value. We need only to look at exchange rate, that's all. But, when it is about to change Eur or US$, currency covered with gold 0%, with 'currency' called KINEBAR (or KARATBAR) whitch is covered 100% with gold, well ... that is something new and maybe, hmm, maybe we need to be very cautious. Hmmm, what a human way of thinking!
Even thou mister Robert Kiyosaki with whole rights for gold says 'Gods Money'!  ("Gold is Gods money, cash is trash"). What a simple truth it is! No one cheater on the world, can't produce during one night, from one gram of gold, a thousand - from one Eur can do even more, even a trilions!!

Naturaly, it wil last for some time and a period of adjustment will be end - even this time. Under pressure of the circumstances crowd will see again, to the natural law, force with too much power, no one can resist. Especially if it is for them better alternative!
However, we must not forget also the media and their power, that provide a posibility of a lot easier seduction of crowds then before. Without resistance, new 'wise proposals' and fight, it can't be done, just like it wasn't easy in old times.
Yes, just how strongly, humanity needs Gods Kingdom!


We all just need to understand, that one of the most important education we can get is personal finantial education!  More financial literacy.  The reason is seample. Because it is right there, in finantial field, we are exploitid as slaves!
So take your time and educate yourselves to understand how the things are going.

Find answers on questions like:
What realy inflation is?
Why it is happening?
What is difference between the words currency and money?
Why we are suffering crisis every few years - again and again?

I will try to find some usefull sorces on that matter, and ad it on this page. I hope it will help you to do your reaserch much easier.

Robert Kiyosaki - New Rules of Money, Part 1/7: Conventional Education Vs.Financial Literacy

Robert Kiyosaki - New Rules of Money, Part 3/7: Why Savers Are Losers inThis Economy

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